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  • Writer's pictureKaley Morgan

Betcha Didn't Know - Pine Trees

A Powerful Meaning of the Pine Tree:

🌲What starts as a small sapling grows into something special, large, and majestic (Many pines live over 400 years). Marriage is a life-long covenant with typically small beginnings.

🌲These trees grow and remain strong because they develop deep roots… up to 3 feet. Partners should be deeply rooted into each other.

🌲Often, they withstand storms while other trees fall because they remain flexible; it’s important in marriage to maintain the ability to adjust to many different and often strenuous situations.

🌲Like many other trees, pines provide many different uses: lumber to build a home, needles to beautify a landscape, etc. A healthy marriage will be one that serves to be an example and lifts up & encourages one another.

🌲Let’s not forget that pine trees are always growing… shedding the old and adding new growth each year… all the while, evergreen and vibrant with life. Yearn to always grow with your partner!

Coming soon is our Pavilion in the Pines… stay tuned!

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